Welsh Harlequin ducks

Welsh Harlequin Ducks weigh between 5 and 5.5 pounds as adults.  They lay between 240-330 eggs per year.  Their eggs are usually white, but can occasionally be blue tinted.

*Information gathered from livestockconservancy.org

The Welsh Harlequin breed is friendly and hardy.  We especially like them because males and females can be determined at hatch with an 85-90% accuracy based on their bill colors.  

At hatch, females have lighter pinkish bills with a dark blue tip, but as adults the females have dark blue/gray bills.

At hatch, males have dark blue bills, but as adults their bills are yellow.

The Welsh Harlequin heritage breed of ducks is on the Livestock Conservancy's Conservation Priority List Level of Watch which means there are fewer than 5,000 breeding birds in the U.S., with 10 or fewer primary breeding flocks, and an estimated global population less than 10, 000.




Gold Phase



Gold Phase



Silver Phase 

Young Female


Silver Phase 

Young Female

Egg Layers for Eating/Baking

These girls are the first ducks that we hatched and are special pets. Their eggs will not be included in any hatching egg purchases unless specially requested or advertised.


3/4 Welsh Harlequin

1/4 Indian Runner Duck  She lays a pretty bluish-green egg


1/2 Welsh Harlequin

1/2 Indian Runner Duck